Techsauce | Tech and Biz Ecosystem Leader for Startups Technologies and Business


Harnessing AI for Healthcare and Poverty Alleviation: Insights from Bangladesh and Thailand

As one of the researcher from NUS, Dr. Olivia Jensen share valuable insights into AI's societal impact, with a focus on case studies in Bangladesh and Thailand.

What Decarbonization Means for Utility Goals and the Digital Grid

What Decarbonization Means for Utility Goals and the Digital Grid...

TSG x The Near Future Podcast EP.03 Impact VCs in Silicon Valley

Join our in-depth talk with Zecca Lehn, an entrepreneur/seed investor and @posi2ive podcast host, on how the active angel is working on venture scale positive impact in Silicon Val...

TSG x The Near Future Podcast EP.02 The Near Future of Human Behavior

The speed of the fourth digital transformation driven by the COVID-19 outbreak has shown how close humans are to developing technology even further to transform their lives....

TSG x The Near Future Podcast : The Near Future of Age-Disrupting Death

Can technology help humans cheat death? The rapid development of AI and personal data use may not be the devil after all as ultimately technology can play a vital role in extending...

PTT and Sertis together develop "Smart Energy Platform" Piloting EnCo as a prototype for Smart City

PTT Public Company Limited (PTT) in cooperation with Sertis Co., Ltd. develop “Smart Energy Platform” by transforming energy management of Energy Complex Building or EnCo using Blo...