Techsauce X Hello Tomorrow: Discovering & Leveraging Deep Tech Opportunity Spaces | Techsauce

Techsauce X Hello Tomorrow: Discovering & Leveraging Deep Tech Opportunity Spaces

Techsauce has collaborated with Hello Tomorrow in organizing the Exclusive Talk on ‘Discovering & Leveraging Deep Tech Opportunity Spaces’. The Event has drawn several leading executives to discuss about the future of Deep Tech as well as creating a business collaboration with Startup in the industries on this Tuesday, 29 March 2022 at True Digital Park 101.

Deep Tech

Techsauce and Hello Tomorrow had made an official announcement on their partnership and collaboration to enhance the potential of Thailand’s organizations through a relevant collaboration with startups in DeepTech last year. 

In this year of 2022, Techsauce, as one of the country’s leading technology ecosystem builders has underlined such partnership  with Hello Tomorrow Asia Pacific, the world’s leading Deeptech ecology developers by hosting the Exclusive Talk on “Discovering & Leveraging Deep Tech Opportunity Spaces” last Tuesday, 29 March 2022 at True Digital Park 101. The event is to explore the opportunities and look into the future of Deep Tech’s innovations as well as how to co-create their values with the Startups in the field. This is also for a long lasting competitive advantage.

This exclusive talk was also joined by both organizations’ leaders as follow;

  • Ernest Xue, Managing Director, Hello Tomorrow APAC
  • Xinyi Tow, Director, Hello Tomorrow APAC
  • Zoé Neron-Bancel, Lead Innovation Consulting, Hello Tomorrow APAC
  • Charle Charoenphan, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Techsauce Media 
  • Oranuch Lerdsuwankij, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Techsauce Media

Ernest Xue, Managing Director of Hello Tomorrow APAC, has started off with an analysis on the trends of Deep Tech usage in the near future. The technology could play a vital role in solving several pain points and advancing three significant matters of Smart Cities, Food & Agriculture and Advanced Material.

For Smart City, more than half of the world population are currently residing in the city’s area and cities are likely to expand even more in the future. Urban design and city development would need to focus on connecting the city’s internal infrastructure and transportation. They should be integrating sustainability and pleasure together; this could be creating a smart environment and innovation that is good for the residents’ health and well-being, the use of clean or renewable energy, the improvement of safety, and the development of technology in public transport, etc.

In ‘Food & Agriculture’ development, Ernest Xue has mentioned about the current nutrition issues we are facing; there is an urgent need to develop a food production process that can produce food with better nutrition and decrease or avoid any process that comes with a negative environmental impact. He has shared an example of the technology of Deep Branch Biotechnology from the UK. The company makes use of microbes to convert carbon dioxide from the industrial sector to a high-quality ingredient and protein for animal nutrition. Apart from that, there is a technology from Orbem which uses an integration of MRI and Deep Learning to inspect the quality and measure the internal features of an egg to find out about the gender of its embryo. This also enables them to select the infertile eggs and send only the male ones straight to the market while keeping the female ones as the next breeders. 

As for Advanced Material, Ernest Xue talked about the transformation in new material usage by making use of relevant technology such as the one from the Startup called Huue Bio in the United States. Huue Bio uses biotechnology to create dyes from sugar instead of chemicals. This is to reduce the damage and pollution the dying colors can have on the environment.

Additionally, Ernest Xue has also mentioned about the ‘Future of Industries’ with the Deep Tech’s innovation which might eventually separate the manufacturing process from the traditional usage of material we are using today. If this comes true, we might be able to step into the era of Dematerialized Economy in which we can reduce the use of manufacturing resources yet can still respond to the needs from the overall volume of consumption.

In the second part of the Talk, Charle Charoenphan, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Techsauce Media, Xinyi Tow, Director of Hello Tomorrow APAC and Zoé Neron-Bancel, Lead Innovation Consulting of Hello Tomorrow APAC have shared their views on the collaboration and value co-creation with Startups in Deep Tech to gain the competitive advantages in a sustainable fashion.

Charle Charoenphan has told the audience about his experience of being an important front line in building up Thailand’s Startup ecosystem. He also emphasized on the importance of innovation entrepreneurship mindset in upgrading the business.  Furthermore, the partnership and collaboration with the innovation and technological experts is also another significant factor that could provide the direction of how the business ecosystem can exhibit its potential.

After that, Zoé Neron-Bancel, Lead Innovation Consulting of Hello Tomorrow APAC has unveiled the Framework for creating the Open Innovation as well as the advantages and benefits of building up the innovation management system within an organization. Such a system can increase the organization’s ability to handle the uncertain and support the organization in building up their  long-term sustainability, flexibility and resilience.

Xinyi Tow, Director of Hello Tomorrow APAC has also introduced the guidelines for the business to adjust themselves and create the Open Innovation and step into Deep Tech at the end of the Talk. She has also shared about the business opportunity emerging from an investment in these innovations with Startups being the real drives behind them.

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