Recently at the BlockShow Asia event, Techsauce had the pleasure of interviewing Nick Cowan, Managing director/Founder of GSX ( The Gibraltan stock exchange).
The Gibraltar government have come up with a set of their own rules and principles that allow for Fin-tech companies to come and use the blockchain for any of their financial services and aspects.
GSX limited is the fastest growing blockchain on offer for Fin-tech companies. It's an interesting sector with a big return. If you look at investors who are token issuers, who do you trust?
Who are you going to talk to that gives the right advice?
How do you know that the company with a new website is legit?
That the white paper and new ICO is trustworthy and can help you with clients that are vetted and reputable.
Token issuers face a lot of issues. Is it a scam?
Have the controls been vetted?
Are the ICO's reliable?
You can see that there is a challenge in this sector and GSX want to provide the solutions.
Two token options will be released next year, the first one is the GSX's token exchange in 2018 and later GSX's tokenized blockchain.
GBX looks at themselves as the bridge between the Fintech startup community that companies trust and a pathway to further capital raising on a secure stock exchange ecosystem.
As Gibraltar is one of the remaining governing states of the UK, it has a powerful economy and stability behind it. With this in mind and the development of GSX's secure and vetted blockchain makes it the perfect place for foreign investors, startups, and South-East Asian countries to connect with this blockchain cryptocurrency stock exchange.
GBX has also formed a strong management team to push this forward. We have recently partnered up with an Asian company called Asian Gateway which provides an online security trading platform. Working together will mesh our two markets together and help build a strong trading network. GBX's aim is to create a culture which creates a behavioral ethos of collective responsibility. Acquiring a funds services company in Gibraltar, one of the largest companies there will help implement this while enabling us to create bank accounts and companies for you. (Nick Cowan)
GBX will also be rolling out a GBX Q1 18 putting in a money license allowing account holders to hold fiat with GBX.
Time will tell how this cryptocurrency blockchain exchange platform will perform on the world stage. It's still relatively new and needs to be seen to offer a secure alternative. There are many out there in the market offering similar options cultivating the same process and offering an alternative and more secure banking systems.
Nick Cowan: Managing Director/Founder at GSX Limited
Nick Cowan has over 30 years investment industry experience in Developed and Emerging Markets including five years as the Global Head of Equities for ING Barings serving as a Member of Executive Committee. Responsible for 2,500 employees in 43 countries, including 40 stock exchange memberships as well as numerous restructurings, turnarounds, acquisitions, and divestments.