Techsauce | Tech and Biz Ecosystem Leader for Startups Technologies and Business


2D Floor Plan Drawings vs 3D Models: Which is Right for Your Project?

In the vibrant world of architecture and interior design, the way we visualize spaces is evolving at an astounding rate. For architects and interior designers, the choice between 2D floor plan drawings and 3D models is a pivotal decision that can sha

Join Techsauce's startup pitching in Tokyo to learn about SEA's opportunities & get you ready for the global summit finale

Techsauce's annual startup conference "Techsauce Global Summit" is coming back this year! Last year, it attracted more than 3,000 attendees, including Japan's C Channel CEO......

How Startups Can Overcome Challenges in Myanmar

In our previous post, we outlined some of the challenges that Myanmar has in the coming years ahead. Just like any other country, these challenges will take time, patience, and coo...

Here Are the Biggest Shifts to Occur As Digital Transformation Hits the Travel Industry in 2016-2017

Over 2016, travel companies, especially hotel groups and airlines, have been investing more and more in digital. There’s a reason for this – they’re trying to grow the share of peo...

Overcoming and Addressing the Challenges in Myanmar Requires Both the Private and Public Sector

Myanmar, a country that continues to get international coverage for its development and conflict, has some very important years ahead. The opportunities and challenges, which we’ve...

Introducing Computerlogy: The key to turning your social media stats into business

It’s undeniable that social media is one of the most powerful tools in the world right now, and one that is bound to only continue growing exponentially in years to come. In the ag...