Techsauce | Tech and Biz Ecosystem Leader for Startups Technologies and Business


2D Floor Plan Drawings vs 3D Models: Which is Right for Your Project?

In the vibrant world of architecture and interior design, the way we visualize spaces is evolving at an astounding rate. For architects and interior designers, the choice between 2D floor plan drawings and 3D models is a pivotal decision that can sha

Augmented Reality: The future of virtual clothes fitting

The personal luxury market is estimated to be US$300 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to US$500 billion by 2020.......

Empathy is the key to innovation and leadership

This overlooked quality is very important that many leaders of organizations fail to learn and implement at the workplace. Some even view it as a trait of the weak. But who says be...

Regional Startups from Malaysia Steps Foot into Thailand

HUBBA Thailand collaborated with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, a Malaysia-based digital agency under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia, to host a group...

OneConnect Financial Technology implementing technological advancement to the world

Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning. It can help affirm and advance relationships between investors and businessmen, reinvent our approaches to learning and...

How far can we rely on machine learning for language translation?

Two years ago, machine translation, let alone Google translate, was not very effective at translating complex languages like Japanese or Arabic. Today, automated translation qualit...