Techsauce | Tech and Biz Ecosystem Leader for Startups Technologies and Business


Join the Exclusive TVCA Year-End Networking Event Where VCs and Startups Unite

Join us for the TVCA YEAR-END NETWORKING EVENT! The final gathering of the year for VCs and startups!

TSG EP.15 The Future of Esports in 2020

As Singtel launches the PVP Esports Corporate Championship and PVP Esports Campus Championship Techsauce Senior Content Editor Issaree Chulakasem speaks to Cindy Tan, the head of m...

The Myths about Design and Design Thinking in Thailand (and how to fix them)

Thammasat Design Center (TDC) a new spin-off training institute of Thammasat Design School, which aims to shape the next generation of design thinkers, doers and leaders in Thailan...

How will COVID-19 impact startups?

The novel coronavirus or COVID-19 has shocked markets worldwide as it disrupted the biggest market in the world, China. What does this mean for startups in 2020?...

TSG EP.1 When it comes to innovation, Keep it simple

The most disruptive innovation guru in the world, Neal Cross, says the key to innovation lies not with technology, but in a business’s ability to ultimately solve the consumer’s pr...

Jack Harries Takes Main Stage at Techsauce Global Summit 2020!

Jack Harries will be speaking exclusively at the Techsauce Global Summit 2020....