Techsauce | Tech and Biz Ecosystem Leader for Startups Technologies and Business


2D Floor Plan Drawings vs 3D Models: Which is Right for Your Project?

In the vibrant world of architecture and interior design, the way we visualize spaces is evolving at an astounding rate. For architects and interior designers, the choice between 2D floor plan drawings and 3D models is a pivotal decision that can sha

We Are in the Unicorn Zone: Why Investors Should Prep for Big Opportunities and Growth in Southeast Asia

We are currently in a decade-long stretch that is considered to be the “Unicorn Zone” -- which is an ideal combination of growth in consumer wealth and demand for goods and service...

Superb, grandiose 13 vertical stages of TSGS2020 are announced now! Take a glimpse of what they are

This year, TSGS2020 will bring more excitement, more fantastic interactions than the previous ones! 13 special vertical stages are exclusively prepared for Techsauce Global Summit ...

6 Useful Tips For Successful Business Matchmaking

The credibility that previous Techsauce Global Summit has done leads to many investors and startups desiring a position in this year’s event. Here are our 6 tips for successful bus...

Meet Top Female Speakers of Techsauce Global Summit 2020

Here are the female speakers from around the world will come to enliven Techsauce Global Summit 2020 stage! Let’s take a peek of who they are....