Techsauce and Outcome Join Forces to Launch Innovation Accounting Service "SATORI" in Thailand

Techsauce is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Outcome to introduce the Innovation Accounting service, SATORI, in Thailand.

Why You Should Stop Thinking of Employee Experience as an Application

In this article, we will help you see why employee experience should not be thought of as a one-size-fits-all application. The correct way to tackle this issue is to adopt a broad ...

To Fully Engage in AI, KBTG Shows the Concept of ‘Augmented Intelligence’ Where Humans and AI Can Together Increase Efficiency

KBTG intended to fully engage in the age of AI during KBTG’s The Age of AI: Augmented Intelligence meetup....

Marc Buckley taking “Earthshots” and Inspiring Innovations for Purpose

In a session yesterday afternoon at Techsauce Global Summit 2022, Marc Buckley gave the audience inspiration about how to take action towards a better world and how achievable he t...

Culture Mapping is more than just talk

Erin Meyer, a lecturer and expert in cultural differences gave an online talk about the subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle differences in cultural communication....

Understanding The Impact of Deep Tech

conversation around deep tech and its ability to disrupt industries has been ongoing for the last ten years....