Techsauce | Tech and Biz Ecosystem Leader for Startups Technologies and Business


2D Floor Plan Drawings vs 3D Models: Which is Right for Your Project?

In the vibrant world of architecture and interior design, the way we visualize spaces is evolving at an astounding rate. For architects and interior designers, the choice between 2D floor plan drawings and 3D models is a pivotal decision that can sha

Stepping away from Google: How a blockchain-based search engine is changing data monopoly

77% of the global internet searches is controlled by a single entity, where no countries, authorities, or governments have access to these data. In fact, with recent feud over Huaw...

Startups from Taiwan Startup Stadium participated in Techsauce Global Summit

It was a great pleasure to welcome Taiwan Startup Stadium back, with this being their second year at Techsauce Global Summit.......

Baby Shark ABC: Inside the Multi-Billion Dollar Business of Entertainment

I am not aware of any other talk at a tech conference or summit opening up with a few hundred adults dancing and singing the Baby Shark song, but that is what happened at the Techs...

Alternative protein, lab-grown meat, vertical farming, 3D printing sushi, food is getting pretty funky

With an increasing demand for food and rising middle-class consumers, how do we meet the nutritional need of a growing population while continuing to sustain food safety and preser...

Corporate innovation: why some succeed and most fail? 

As the world is undergoing rapid changes in the age of technology, how do big corporates stay relevant? At Techsauce Global Summit 2019, our panel discussion gathers opinions and c...